Show me an example Israel Real Estate News: Israel Elections - Open Areas & Beaches

Monday, February 09, 2009

Israel Elections - Open Areas & Beaches

1. Enlarge and nurture park and garden areas;
2. Strict compliance with orderly planning procedures, which give due weight to environmental considerations and involve the public in planning;
3. Instruct the Israel Lands Administration to work on managing open spaces for the benefit for the general public, based on environmental and social considerations;
4. Direct development towards built-up areas, avoid new development in the center of open areas and keep development far from environmentally sensitive areas;
5. Promote the declaration of nature reserves and national parks. Add the ecological corridors to the planning consideration in order to preserve Israel’s biodiversity;
6. Establish metropolitan parks and recreation areas in the heart of Israel’s urban areas, where natural and landscape resources are preserved and where leisure and recreational activity is possible for all.